Mann Elementary
- Address: 1002 South 52nd Street, Tacoma, Washington 98408
- Phone: 253-571-6300
- Email: mann.elem@tacoma.k12.wa.us
- Fax Number: 253-571-6301
Main Office Hours
Monday – Friday
7:30 am – 4:00 p.m.
Closed during summer break
School Hours
Bell Schedule
Important Phone Numbers
- Mann Main Office: 253-571-6300
- Mann Health Room: 253- 571-6352
- Mann Fax Number: 253-571-6301
- Tacoma Public Schools Transportation Department: 253-571-1901
- Tacoma Public Schools Central Administration Building: 253-571-1000
Update Your Contact Information
Let our office know about any changes to household information:
- Address
- Phone number
- Emergency contact(s)/approved pick-up persons
- Withdrawal
- Absences (including long-term)
- Transcript or immunization requests
- Quick Reference Information
- Focus on the Whole Child
- Schoolwide Expectations
- Before and After School
- Arrival and Departure
- Attendance, Absences and Tardies
- Educational Expectations
- Student Supports
- Student Responsibility
- Dress Code
- Student Life
- Volunteering and Visitors
- Mann Safe Routes to School Walking Map
Quick Reference Information
Parent Pickup and Drop Off
- Car drop-off on 52nd street in front of building; follow valet or walker pick-up guidance
- Walkers & parent drop-off (no cars) enter school through double gate and walk up to student’s teacher for dismissal
- Valet pickup on J Street (see map). Do not exit your car
Visitor and Volunteer Parking
- Upper parking lot on 52nd St, across from main entrance
Focus on the Whole Child
Social and emotional learning emphasizes self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness.
We are all involved with the educational and emotional growth of the children in our care. To create a full-circle approach to student wellness, we suggest considering the implementation of new and/or effective techniques at home. Also, as we move through the school year, please share your learning, successes, challenges, and insights with us regarding your student(s). This way, we can better support you and your child(ren).
Schoolwide Expectations
All classroom expectations are in line with building-wide expectations. Please refer to your child’s classroom expectations for those specific to each class. While each teacher has similar ways of handling student management, there may be slight differences between classrooms.
Mustangs are... | Schoolwide | Hallway | Gym Arrival/ Assembly | Bathroom | Playground | Office | Cafeteria |
Respectful |
Responsible |
Safe |
Kind |
Before and After School
School Hours
Before and After School Care
Students can be dropped off beginning at 8:30 a.m. in order to line up at their entrance door. There is no student supervision available on campus until 8:50 a.m., when the doors open.
Before and After School care is provided in partnership with Metro Parks Tacoma. Registration is on a first come, first served basis throughout the school year. Enrollment forms, information, fees and payment schedules are available online at www.metroparkstacoma.org/before-and-after-school/.
Mann Elementary students who attend the Before and After School Care program will be housed at Reed Elementary and bussed to Mann in the morning and back to Reed in the afternoon.
Learn more on the Metro Parks Tacoma website
Beyond the Bell Program
Tacoma Public Schools and community partners have come together to offer Beyond the Bell activities for students in grades K-5 and Club Beyond activities for students in grades 6-8. Login to your Compass: TPS Family App account and visit the activities page to see what options are available at your student's school.
Arrival and Departure
Bus Transportation
Students must ride their assigned bus each day. Students are also required to get on and off the bus at their assigned bus stop daily. Bus information, including routes, schedules, and maps, are available on the Tacoma Public Schools website at https://www.tacomaschools.org/departments/transportation.
Contact Information
Transportation for General Education Students
Monday - Friday
6:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Transportation for Special Education Students
Monday - Friday
6:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Transportation for McKinney-Vento/Homeless or Foster Care Students
If additional assistance is required, main office staff are available to help.
Bus Rules
- Stay back from the curb/street and wait in an orderly manner
- Enter the bus in an orderly manner
- Follow bus driver and bus support personnel instructions at all times
- Use voice level 1 or level 2. Avoid unnecessary conversation with the bus driver, as this can cause distractions
- Remain courteous and respectful to the bus driver, people in the community and other riders
- Food, drink, and gum are not allowed to be eaten on the bus
- Face the front of the bus and keep all body parts and objects inside the bus at all times while riding
- Leave the bus in an orderly manner, follow the driver’s instructions and signals, watch for traffic and go directly to the designated destination
A failure to follow bus rules or driver instructions can lead to suspension of bussing privileges or removal from bus riding. These disciplinary measures are dependent on the severity and frequency of the infraction(s).
Parent-provided Transportation
Please help with the flow of traffic and keep our students safe when participating in the valet drop-off line. By working together, we can get students to and from school effectively, while maintaining motor vehicle and street safety.
- Please be patient during student drop-off and release
- Do not use the crescent-shaped fire zone for student drop-off. Pulling into this area will make it much harder to re-enter the flow of traffic and can delay your departure after student drop-off
- 52nd Street will be designated as a one-way street during morning drop-off
- Students will be admitted through three separate doors based on grade level (see map).
- The building and playground gates will be locked during school hours
- Avoid parking in the bus loading zone on K Street, as this will delay the loading and unloading of students
- Avoid parking in front of mailboxes, garbage cans, and driveways. Also, do not double park, as this can lead to vehicle accidents
- The playground gates will be opened at 3:30 pm for the start of student release. All students who do not ride the bus are released from the playground and will be outside until 3:40 pm. After this time, students will be brought to the main office until family arrival. Calls are made to guardians and emergency contacts until someone is reached and pick-up is confirmed.
Attendance, Absences and Tardies
Being successful in life is about showing up, being on time and being engaged. Good attendance is directly related to academic success. We expect all Mann students to attend school every day.
Students arriving after 9:00am will enter the building through the main entrance (1002 S 52nd Street) and check in the at the office. Families who have trouble getting student to school on time will be subject to an attendance contract and/or other intervention, including BECCA.
Early Dismissal
Students who need to leave early must be signed out at the main office by guardian or emergency contact who is listed in the student profile. If any changes to the information is needed, please contact the main office. Please remember that valid ID will be required for early release.
Excused/Unexcused Absences
Excused absences are any absences due to illness, injury, medical/dental appointment, legal appointment, family emergency, bereavement, religious holiday, or one that have been previously prearranged through the attendance office. Please see the main office for a Planned Absence Request form before your departure. Absences can be excused by calling the main office at 253.571.6300 or sending an email to mann-elem@tacoma.k12.wa.us with the absence reason.
It is the student’s responsibility to arrange for all make-up work with their teacher.
Students are considered truant when they are absent from all or part of a school day willfully and without authorization. In this instance, a parent conference will be required.
More information regarding Tacoma Public School policies on attendance can be found at https://www.tacomaschools.org/about/school-board/policy-manual within the link for students.
Educational Expectations
Academic and Behavior Report Cards
Report cards are sent home by postal mail each trimester to notify parents of student progress. Report cards include information regarding academic grades, behavior grades, and teacher’s remarks. In order to ensure timely reception of report cards, please be sure your address is correct. Contact the main office with updated information and student name at 253-571-6300 or mann-elem@tacoma.k12.wa.us to provide any necessary changes.
Student Supports
Health Room
When a student is feeling ill, focusing and learning in the classroom are difficult.
Yearly services offered by the nurse include vision, hearing, scoliosis screening, health assessment and counseling, and monitoring of health concerns. Plase communicate health concerns with the nurse at 253-571-6352.
The nurse follows the State of Washington immunization law, which requires all students to be adequately vaccinated per their age and grade level. If an immunization record is not on file at school, the nurse will contact the parent/guardian for updated information. Students may not attend school without current immunizations, unless there is documentation of a medical or religious exemption on file. For more information contact the nurse at 253-571-6352.
Please note: all prescription and non-prescription student medications must be administered by the school nurse and a doctor’s medication order must be on file in the Health Center.
Student Responsibility
Personal Items
Being responsible includes taking care of and keeping belongings safe, as well as knowing what to bring to school and what to leave at home. Be sure to remain vigilant regarding personal items, especially cell phones, money, coats, backpacks and other items easily carried. It is expected to keep these items in lockers and off the playground during the school day.
The building is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Objects such as electronics (other than cell phone) toys, fidget spinners, cameras, iPods, and other items not related to school or the learning environment are not allowed on school grounds during the academic day. Note: Cell phones are allowed, but must be silenced and put away during the school day.
The borrowing, lending, trading, selling, or buying of personal items is not allowed.
Cell Phones
Students are responsible for securing their devices. Cell phones must be silenced and placed in backpacks or lockers for the duration of the school day. Phones are not to be used during the school day and taking pictures or video is prohibited.
Discipline for the violation of the cell phone policy is as follows:
- 1st instance – A warning from the teacher/administration
- 2nd instance – Call home. Phone must then be picked up by a parent from the office
- 3rd or more instance – Phone remains at home or checked into the office daily
Lost and Found
Items, if found, are usually turned in to the main office or the lunchroom. Be sure to have students check there more than once. Clothing items will be donated to charity if not claimed by the end of the year.
Dress Code
The purpose of the dress code is to foster a professional, safe and respectful learning environment at school. The dress code will apply at all times, including field trips and other school-related activities unless the supervising adult informs students/parents otherwise. Dress or appearance that causes a disruption to the educational process or which presents health/safety concerns are not allowed at school.
Dress Code
The purpose of this dress code is to enhance school safety, improve the learning environment, and promote good behavior. Children’s attitudes toward schoolwork and behavior are related to the clothing that they wear. This dress code does not regulate the exercise of an individual’s sincerely held religious beliefs.
- Tennis shoes or sturdy, form-fitting shoes are recommended for the school day.
- Appropriate shoes for SAFE play. No backless, high-heeled or open toed shoes are permitted. No shoes with wheels or shoes without heel/ankle support or back straps are permitted.
Pants, shorts, skirts
- Pants and shorts need to fit snuggly at the waist.
- Overly tight fitting or overly loose/sagging pants with loose waistband will not be allowed.
- Short shorts and short skirts are not permitted for school. Mid-thigh, meaning just above the knee or longer, and no shorter than 2” above the knee is permitted.
- Shirts with inappropriate slogans are not to be worn at school (i.e., references to drugs, alcohol, offensive language, sexual references).
- Tops and bottoms must overlap at all times, including when arms are raised.
- Hats, caps, hoods, bandanas and other headwear may not be worn inside the school.
- Clothing should be weather appropriate.
- The following items are inappropriate for school and therefore not permitted:
- Any article of clothing or accessory that promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, violence or is offensive or degrading
Student Life
Student Discipline
The safety and well-being of all students are critical for being successful and creating a positive learning environment. There are times when students make poor choices and impact the positive environment at Mann. In such cases, disciplinary action is enforced per district policy. This corrective action is meant to adjust student mindset and behavior. Any student behavior which is disruptive to the orderly operation of the school or learning environment will result in corrective action by a teacher and/or principal. Discussions with parents/guardians will occur to resolve disciplinary issues. Consequences can be positive or negative and can result in exclusionary discipline.
Harrassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB)
All three are not tolerated by Mann or Tacoma Public Schools. While each situation is different, we focus on prevention for all students. Individual consequences are aligned with our district board policy for students determined to be engaging in these behaviors.
Volunteering and Visitors
Families are welcome at Mann to visit or volunteer. Upon entering the building, visitors will need to stop by the main office to sign in and obtain a visitor’s badge. The visitor pass must be worn and visible to ensure the safety of our students and staff. Visitors come for late drop-off, early pick-up or to drop-off something. Visitors remain in the office unless they are with another staff member. Longer visits are for volunteers.
Any parent/guarding, student, or community member interested in volunteering on a regular basis can obtain an application in the main office. This form must be completed each year and submitted along with a copy of state or federally-issued identification and proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Any person not vaccinated against COVID-19 will need to provide a medical or religious exemption from the Tacoma Public Schools HR department. The information collected will be used to run a Washington State Patrol background check. Volunteers are not allowed to participate in the building/activity without an approved application. Please allow 2 weeks for application review and decision. Vounteers will check in at the main office and wear a visitor’s badge.
Registration for volunteering must be completed for any of the following:
- Student classroom
- Field trip chaperone
- Chaperone at any other school-sponsored event
- Building or classroom work
- Any other activities where students are present